Thursday 24 November 2011

A clear out

I want to say Welcome and Thank you to Sandy, Pat and Izzwizz for adding your names to my blog - it really does mean a lot to me.  Now - today I have been trying to make  space in what used to be known as the spare room and I came across an embossing board.  It is a Helix board and is for use with their workstation.  It is called intricate shapes.  I bought this as they said on t.v. at the time that you really did not need the workstation in order to use this but in fact you really do need the workstation and I do not have one.  If any of my followers have a workstation by Helix and would like to have this board please e-mail me your name and address and I will post it to you - free - gratis and no charge - you are welcome to have it.  If more than one of you e-mail me I will send it to the first one I hear from.  My e-mail is   Hope some of you lovely ladies have a home for this.  Marie-Louise


  1. thats really generous of you Marie-Louise...I dont have one but Im sure someone will put it to use
    Mina xxx

  2. Hi Marie Louise, just wanted to let you know I posted your parcel today, I sent it through the work system so it will probably have the sender marked as Hidden Hearing, I didn't want you to refuse it! I emailed you too, not sure what you will pick up first.

  3. Very generous of you Marie Louise! I don't have a work station so it will make another lady happy.
    Hugs xx

  4. HI MLouise Thankyou for your lovely comment I see you are also a Sagitarian.
    Chris x

  5. Very generous of you Marie Louise,someone will be very happy to receive it....
    Mandy x

  6. Thank you for your comment! :) I love to meet new people and still stay in my craftroom!! LOL
    Best of both worlds.
    Hugs, Lisa
